Open Solicitations
Solicitation for consulting services regarding Resource Adequacy Pool Strategic Assessment 2
California Community Power (CC Power) conducts assessments on behalf of members for potential projects and/or services that members may pursue jointly through CC Power. In this instance, CC Power is assessing the benefits of a Resource Adequacy (RA) Power Pool which would conduct an optimization of procured RA among CC Power members to inform and support efficient transactions for Resource Adequacy, helping participating members to comply with CPUC RA Slice-of-Day portfolio showings. The approach may involve establishing governance rules of the pool, facilitating ‘match-making’ amongst participating members and/or undertaking incremental procurement by CC Power.
The Scope of Work details the consulting services needs.
Deadline – please submit your interest and qualifications to CC Power by 11:59 p.m. on October 11 at
2024 Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure new clean energy and reliability resources
California Community Power (CC Power), a Joint Powers Agency of nine California Community Choice Aggregators (CCAs), is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure new cost-effective clean energy and reliability resources. This initiative aims to meet local and state climate goals and comply with regulatory requirements.
Purpose of RFP: The RFP seeks proposals for renewable generation and energy storage projects that fulfill mid-term reliability procurement obligations, resource adequacy requirements, and California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goals. Additionally, CC Power is interested in standalone storage and solar plus storage projects for potential ownership, leveraging the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act.
Eligibility Requirements: Eligible projects include wind, geothermal, small hydro, solar combined with storage, and standalone long-duration energy storage (8+ hours). Specific requirements differ slightly for Build Transfer Agreements and Power Purchase or Tolling Agreements.
- Potentially upwards of 1 GW of wind, geothermal, and small hydro RPS eligible resources via long-term offtake agreements
- Up to 500 MW of standalone long duration storage or solar + storage resources via long-term offtake agreements
- Up to 125 MW of standalone long duration storage or solar + storage resources for CC Power purchase and ownership
Proposal Submission
- Deadline: Proposals are due by September 20, 2024, 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
- Submission Platform: Proposals must be submitted via The Energy Authority (TEA) RFP Marketplace: TEA RFP Marketplace.
- General Requirements: Proposals must satisfy eligibility criteria, adhere to the submission guidelines, and include all necessary documentation.
Proposal Requirements
- Project Proposal: A detailed description of the project being proposed.
- Offer Form: Detailed offer specifications.
- Developer Experience Form: Information on development team’s experience with utility-scale generation and/or storage project development.
- Supplemental Information: Additional project or developer information such as credit ratings, financial statements, site map, one-line diagram, interconnection studies/agreements.
Evaluation Process
- Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on their alignment with RFP goals, viability, pricing, and overall benefits to CC Power and its members.
- Selection: Projects will be evaluated, shortlisted, technical and qualitative diligence will be performed, final selections will be made in consultation with CC Power members, exclusivity agreements will be signed, and parties will enter into negotiations leading to execution of a binding agreement.
QC15+ Projects
Projects in CAISO Queue Cluster (QC) 15 or beyond are encouraged to submit offers on the basis of reasonable assumptions around costs of interconnection and network upgrades and expected online date. For projects for which there is too much uncertainty, Respondents are encouraged to submit project information without pricing, effectively as per a Request for Information, and CC Power may use such information to inform selections for further diligence and commercial discussions that could support engagement in the CAISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancements Load Serving Entity points allocation process, subject to entering into an exclusivity agreement and posting a security deposit.
Communication and Updates
- RFP Marketplace: All documents, forms, Q&A, and updates will be posted on the TEA RFP Marketplace.
- Inquiries: Questions can be directed to, with answers posted publicly.
Contractual Terms: CC Power will handle the contracting process on behalf of its member CCAs. Contracts may include long-term power purchase agreements, energy storage tolling agreements, or build-transfer agreements, depending on project specifics.
Confidentiality and Compliance: Information submitted may be subject to public disclosure under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), with exceptions for trade secrets and proprietary information marked accordingly.
Key Points for Project Developers:
- Ensure your project meets the specified eligibility requirements.
- Prepare and submit your proposal through the TEA RFP Marketplace by the stated deadline.
- Review the pro forma agreements or build-transfer term sheet provided and align your pricing and assumptions accordingly.
- Engage with CC Power for any clarifications or feedback on non-conforming offers.
This summary provides a high-level overview of the solicitation instructions to help project developers understand the process and participate effectively in the upcoming RFP. For detailed instructions and requirements, please refer to the full RFP Instructions on the TEA RFP Marketplace.